Nov 22
I’m looking out at the front garden, recently dug up and freshened up with new dirt… ready and waiting for its fall planting day. The bare dirt is blanketed by fallen red Japanese Maple leaves and actually looks quite pretty despite being emptied of most of its plants.
This front garden is getting the biggest makeover for the garden tour. Its pastel color scheme was looking tired and the plantings had morphed over the years into a hodge podge effect that just didn’t work anymore. It needed a change.
My husband, Ian, spent the better part of 3 days excavating the root bound beds and hauling in almost 2 yards of Keeyla’s special soil mix. I remember way back when I first worked with Keeyla on designing the front garden. It was the first garden we did together and the one where I learned one of Keelya’s fundamental lessons: “Excavate 6 to 8 inches or dirt and replace with organic multipurpose mix from American Soil. Continue to mulch with the same soil every year.” I remember thinking, “Why?” But we did as we were told and the results were astonishing. Our new garden grew so quickly and so happily.
When time came to do the back and then side gardens, we repeated the back breaking process. All I can say is that special mix from American Soil is magic. Plants thrive in it and it looks pretty as well. When my sister and her husband moved next door to us and started on their front garden, I passed on the dirt lesson with firm insistence. They asked the same, “Why?” as we had, but did as they were instructed and watched their newly planted banana palm quickly grow as tall as the house!
Fall Gardening Tasks Done to Date:
· Ordered Bulbs (tulips are in the fridge and lilies are in the darkest corner of our basement)
· Ordered Bulbs (tulips are in the fridge and lilies are in the darkest corner of our basement)
· Potted up Iris’ (they are sprouting already!)
· Dug up and replaced dirt in front and side gardens (still need to do back garden).
· Redid irrigation in front garden
· Had furniture maker, Larry Gandsey, replace rotten bench slats on fig bench (thank you Larry!)
· Started fall cut back (lots more to do).
· Paint bench slats and get installed.
· Paint pots
· Write description of garden with Keeyla for the garden tour brochure (first draft due just after Thanksgiving)
· Glazing day with Keelya: Lucy and I will help Keeyla glaze some of her hand made place settings to be used to decorate the back deck table on the day of the tour.
· Fall planting day (can’t wait!)
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